| 15a ncac 03I. 0115 replacement costs of marine and estuarine resources ‑ fish This too, however, is a reflection on the value of existing fishery resources rather than a measure of the cost of their replacement 18.5 Kb. 1 | read |
| Subchapter 03i – general rules section. 0100 – general rules 15a ncac 03I. 0101 definitions All definitions set out in G. S. 113, Subchapter IV and the following additional terms apply to this Chapter 98.4 Kb. 1 | read |
| Switzer Fellow Concept Paper Realizing the Potential for Carbon Sequestration on Appalachian Mountain Club Forest Lands Organization Initiated in 2003, amc’s Maine Woods Initiative includes nearly 70,000 acres of forest land in the 100-Mile Wilderness region managed for a combination of outdoor recreation, natural resource protection, sustainable forestry 35.3 Kb. 1 | read |
| Review of Essential Fish Habitat Report to the Pacific Fishery Management Council Current designations for pacific coast groundfish efh, hapc, and ecologically important habitat closed areas 5 Review 8.05 Mb. 7 | read |
| Delta County Schools Curriculum Design 7th Grade Social Studies Unit 2 Plan-Organizer History 1(b) Analyze historical sources for accuracy and point of view while formulating historical questions. Sources to include but not limited to art, artifacts, eyewitness accounts, letters and diaries, artifacts, real or simulated historical 106.25 Kb. 1 | read |
| An Initiative of The Public Knowledge Project It seeks to expand the realm of public education by improving social science’s contribution to public knowledge, in the belief that such a contribution is critical to both the public use of reason and deliberative forms of democracy 69.42 Kb. 1 | read |
| Global Marketing, 6e (Keegan/Green) Chapter 2 The Global Economic Environment The global economic crisis vividly illustrates the dynamic, integrated nature of today's economic environment 106.5 Kb. 1 | read |